Thursday, April 20, 2017


Write about a new tradition you would like to have in your future classroom.

Be creative and create a practice that honors the students' time together.

Well, I LOVED the idea of writing poems about one another. I think another cool idea would maybe to interview each other at the beginning and end of the year. Perhaps pairing students throughout the year and allowing them to grow with each other academically and otherwise, beginning and ending the year with each other and seeing how they have changed throughout the class.

How would you describe your writing voice? Describe what your range of reading voice and why you think it matters in a piece of writing. Finally, how would you go about teaching your students to find their boxes?

My writing voice is probably a little more formal that my real voice, kind of like a phone voice. But, I do have a bad habit of just letting a stream of consciousness flow out of my head, usually not making much sense at all.

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